There are so many experts out there, but it doesn’t mean that they walk their talk.
You see, there is a big difference between having a lot of knowledge AND taking action/implementing what you learned.
The number of learning courses you have under your belt may be proof of this like a lot of entrepreneurs.

We love learning but taking time to implement our learning is another matter.
Imagine what you could accomplish if you take action from one learning course: having a flow of new clients, more visibility, and opportunities which will result in more freedom and help more people.
Instead of this, you’ll feel stuck, unbalanced by new demands on your time and energy and feel like a failure.
The key is to connect how you’ll feel when you’ll make time for this learning. This is what I did.
Before scheduling it in my diary, I had a reality check of the obstacles and benefits of implementing this course. What was in IT FOR ME? Emotionally? Intellectually? Psychologically?
And I connected to how I’ll feel when I will complete this course: feeling joyful, proud, confident, and THIS was the catalyst for change.
I completed this course in 1 week.
The result? I came up with the name of my company: A Rockstar Mindset and never looked back.
When you connect your head with your heart along with the right mindset and well-being tools, you can overcome any obstacle and thrive in your business.
With love, joy and trust

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