She wanted the best to create a professional logo and hired a designer.

She spent days and hours writing her branding guide, a 17-page document describing her values, brand voice and what she wanted her logo to look like.
Annnnnnd the result was below her expectations.
Her designer even told her that he didn’t need to refer to her branding guide to create her logo. She didn’t like this last comment. Ultimately, she made it herself and asked him to refine the details.
Why am I sharing this with you?
My friend delayed creating her logo because she wanted the best.
However, wanting the best can also hide your perfectionism rearing its ugly, perfect head again because being visible is not your cup of tea.
When I pointed this out to her, she admitted that visibility is her nemesis, so by hiring this “not-so-perfect” designer, she wanted to feel reassured, but in the end, it was the opposite.
You can’t believe how her story reminded me of the list of tasks I added to hide my fear of visibility a few years ago.
She created her logo and sent it for polishing to her designer.
I resonated with her story from the start to the end, because we all try to hide behind our perfectionism Gorgeous.
There’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s a peaceful way to get out of this funk.
The key to change is, to be honest with yourself, but it’s not easy to face the truth.
It hurts, and seeing how you sabotage yourself can lead to two different scenarios:
either you can’t prevent yourself from beating yourself up (mentally),
you refuse to become a martyr and see it as an excellent opportunity to break this sabotaging pattern forever.
Gorgeous, no matter your choice, the game-changer is to do this work in a safe space, an oasis of peace where being yourself is appreciated and welcomed.
I invite you to experience this with me during the 5-day free online Rockstar Woman Retreat.
Let me give you more details.
This virtual retreat is the opportunity to heal your relationship with visibility and embrace being a visible woman.
More deeply recently, you may have felt that being visible strategically is no longer an option but a must-have.
You may not like it, but you’re smart enough to know that you have to overcome your fears and change your attitude regarding your visibility.
If my words resonate with you, you’re in the right place because this is the purpose of the Rockstar Woman Retreat: break the Visibility ceiling once and for all.
Not in a masculine way, hoarding, pushing, but in a feminine way, release these stories, fears and this cheeky imposter syndrome with peace, ease and grace.
This is my invitation to you.
So, if you feel called to start this healing journey, I invite you to register here.

With love,

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