It’s when you hit rock bottom that this mindset is your anchor.
It’s when nothing is left to show you that it’s worth keeping going that this mindset will be your rock.
Because it will help you to connect to your deepest ounces of strength to believe in yourself, to have this jolt, this wake-up call that you’re not done.

You’ll remember all your hard times vividly, and struggles and will understand in an instant that you’re a fighter, a warrior princess, a badass goddess in the making.
Because these hard times shaped you for the better, the awesome.
You learn that the key is to own your awesomeness, your funkiness and joy for life.
No one can affect you when you cultivate a Rockstar Mindset.
Because you know what’s happening and you can detach yourself from the situation. I’m not saying that you’re invincible but the more you adopt this non-judgemental attitude, the more you realise that you can be unfuckwithable.
Understanding the way you think is the power to flip the switch and see the world in a different way. It may be through pink-coloured lenses one day and grey the day after.
What matters, you learn to see everything as an experience with a meaning for you to discover.
Isn’t it liberating to know that you’re not responsible for people’s reactions or outbursts?
Isn’t it freeing to realise that your negativity is linked to your wiring and that you can change it?
Isn’t it powerful to be yourself unapologetically without constraints, limits or barriers?
This is what A Rockstar Mindset is.
If you want to be visible and recognised for your value and work, book an exclusive Visibility Charisma session with me here.
You’re not born for mediocrity, you’re born for greatness.
With love,

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