Gorgeous, I saw his video on LinkedIn, and the topic was: how to always stay optimistic.
And I thought, ‘Sounds great,’ so I watched it. I realized what Simon Sinek does is exactly what I’ve been doing with all my friends for years.
When he feels overwhelmed, tired, or close to tears, he always calls his friends for support. He has a rule with his friends: they don’t cry alone. If they feel down or discouraged, they call and support each other.
I couldn’t help but think, ‘Hey Simon, this is great, but my sisters and I have been doing that for years. We make sure that whenever we need to vent or speak, we’re always there for each other.’
I’m curious, Gorgeous, is this the same for you?
From my experience, this is what I’ve always done with my private circle of friends. It’s something so crucial, especially when you’re a leader and you lead a team in your business or department.
You can’t vent openly; you’re expected to be a ‘force tranquille’: calm, poised, grounded.
Regardless of your industry, having a circle of women you can call anytime, anywhere is invaluable.
They’ll help you stay in a flow of well-being, and positive vibes, and keep going no matter what.
They’ll uplift you. They’ll also give you a gentle kick in the butt when necessary and be there to cheer you on, support you, and clap for you.
This is Sisterhood.
When you cultivate this Sisterhood in your network, connections become effortless, collaborations are easy, and opportunities are infinite.
As Raluca said at my last private dinner: ‘The conversation was so easy and enjoyable as if we had known each other for years. I look forward to the next one.’
So, if you’re seeking sisterhood, I have an opportunity for you. There are a few tickets left for my next private dinner in September at the Garden Rooftop.
If you want to be surrounded by women leaders eager to create meaningful connections, I invite you to join us here: https://lnkd.in/egv3j8zd
This is your chance to experience sisterhood and leave with meaningful connections.”
With love,

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