This time, Mr. Mercury will be gentle with a few memorable bumps from the 23rd of August to the 15th of September.
What does it mean? We need to be laser-prepared; a triple-check is required before hitting the send button.

You may be used to doing it already, in this case, amp up your vigilance because we’re up for a rollercoaster of unexpected delays, and misunderstood messages that we can interpret in two ways:
An inconvenience or a burden
A pause to let go and laugh it off what you can’t control
Here’s the thing: This Mercury Retrograde can be exactly what you need to take stock of how far you’ve grown as a person and allow yourself a recalibration.
A recalibration of your business or career to refine (or re-energise) your Visibility Strategy with your uber-super analytical skills.
And a gentle one if you’re open to these smart moves:
Back-ups are your best friend: Schedule an automated one for your files, emails, photos — all of it. Say Adios Amigos to tech mayhem and sleep in peace that all your hard work is safe, sound and immune to any glitches.
Expect delays: Schedule buffer time for everything. I’m more the kind of girl to expect the best from the Universe but this time, I’ll expect delays. Why? Because you and I, this time, we’ll be the ones to have anticipated it and keep our cool, calm and peace.
Reflect, edit, organise, review: There’s no better time to give freedom to your desire for order, and structure. I started to re-organise all my files and work office and Bliss is my default mode.
Focus on long-term solutions: Don’t jump on the bandwagon of new projects in the heat of the moment without evaluating the pros and cons, and consulting your intuition about this new venture. Choose mindfully and in alignment with your long-term plan, particularly during Mr. Mercury’s tech & comms party.
Sustainability is your Rockstar move: It’s time to have a love affair with sustainability. It’s your gold ticket to slow down to speed up. There’s no need to be the first, what matters is being the one who lasts. So, ditch the pressure and create a visibility strategy that makes you feel excited.
When in doubt: Pause, rest, and open your wellness box to reconnect to your centre. Breathwork, meditations or essential oils are my go-to to turn my anger waves into a calm shore.
Have a good laugh when you make mistakes: I know, like me, you may be a recovering perfectionist but Mr. Mercury wants us to stay humble and open to learning to master our craft(s). When you think about it, it’s very smart—a time for self-mastery and growth to turn our goals into reality.
Gorgeous, a wisdom bomb only for you: All retrogrades are opportunities to review, reassess, and rewire what isn’t working. Dig deeper, cross-correct and navigate in the right direction.
If you want a guide on your side to get crystal clear on your next steps (without Mr. Mercury’s help) to start being visible, I invite you to book an Exclusive Visibility Charisma session.
With love,

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