I had a conversation with a Financial Wellness Coach and let me tell you, we are in trouble Gorgeous.

There’s something I never shared before, but when you start to be highly visible, your relationship with money changes.
Regardless of where you are in your career or business, learning how to multiply your money, in a nutshell, investing is vital.
From all corners of our society, we are at a disadvantage. I have a few facts under my sleeve to show you why building your wealth is imperative.
***“267 years before we’ll get to close the financial gender gap.”
***“10% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. That’s 51 women, only 3 of which are black.”
***“0 out of 195 countries in the world has achieved financial gender equality.”
***“37% of women globally earn around 37% less in similar roles.”
You may feel annoyed, irritated or end up infuriated like me. Let’s be smart about our feelings and channel them into a force for good.
What I prefer, instead of venting for hours is to have this conversation with you, woman to woman and make a decision to invest now, even with one dollar/pound.
The first step could be to watch a free Masterclass, listen to a podcast or speak to a Financial Advisor. Irrespective of what this action will be, take one today.
Why? Because it is too easy for women to fall into poverty, and this must stop.
We did not work for years to bootstrap our dreams, desires and futures for our loved ones. No, we work to reach our goals with gusto and create our bubble of happiness as women leaders.
The problem here, along the way we tend to forget ourselves. We put people’s needs first and ours fall into the Far Away Land.
We used to sacrifice our health, and our needs to be of service to others: our family, company, team or colleagues.
Thankfully, the Universe has a wise way of waking us up with the Hit Rock Bottom stage; the moment where you run this performance race for too long and nothing works.
I am beyond grateful that I experienced it because it helped me to become the woman I am today. I’m no longer afraid of the highs and lows, I accept them with trust, faith and ease.
The same applies to my visibility. I do it my way, my style and speed up like a spaceship when I desire to. When it’s time to slow down, I slow down with a capital S and surrender.
Easy? Yes, when you know where to start, what to learn and how to dedicate your time to your visibility.
And you choose to do it from a place of authenticity, creativity and sustainability.
So, what about you Gorgeous?
When do you want to be free to express yourself, immune to judgements, distractions and negativity?
When do you want to advance your career or scale your business?
Your future, you create it with the present, not in 2024, 2 months or 3 weeks.
You are made for the NOW, not for the past.
With love,

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