
Your Ticket For Mental Wellness And Joyful Productivity

May 1, 2024

Gorgeous, Do you dream of performing like a confident woman leader instead of struggling with your intellect? If so, you’re in the right spot. There is something I love to do and still do to process my thoughts faster and bounce back quickly. My superpower for my mental wellness is journaling, and you can have […]

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If you're looking for unconventional guidance  from visibility , leadership or wellness, you're in the right place, gorgeous! This is my treasure trove, enjoy!


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Do you dream of performing like a confident woman leader instead of struggling with your intellect? If so, you’re in the right spot.

There is something I love to do and still do to process my thoughts faster and bounce back quickly.

My superpower for my mental wellness is journaling, and you can have it, too. If you use a journal to pamper your mind already, I give you a high five right now.

If not, let me show you what you’re missing and why it’s time to give it a try.

Journaling is giving a holiday ticket to your mind.

Journaling is writing down everything that comes to your mind to empty your mind of all these negative, revolving thoughts or problems that you keep for yourself.

When I was a teenager, Journaling helped me make sense of the world and my emotions. It also gave me someone I could confide in, guaranteed that nobody would speak about it (my journal was well hidden!).

Why Journaling is good for your mental health

Having good mental health requires de-cluttering your mind and speaking up. Journaling is a healthy way to let your mind be free by free-writing.

This practice is a superpower that increases your awareness of your mind’s state. Sometimes, we can be so focused on our world that we do not realise what’s happening around us, and trust me, I got you.

Like you use a GPS to guide you, journalism is your superpower to guide you towards having a healthy mindset.

What are the benefits of Journaling?

1. Verbalise your thoughts and feelings

Instead of adding layers of drama to your thoughts, Journaling allows you and your mind to have a break by writing about what is disrupting you and taking up your mental energy. This is a real release for you and your mind.

2. Problem-solving

When you see your challenges written on paper, instead of being the main character, you become an observer, a witness, i.e. being in the cinema watching a captivating movie, and honestly, it feels so good! Looking at your thoughts this way means putting everything back in context to solve your problems faster.

Journaling = step back + awareness = new perspective = new solutions

3. De-clutter your mind, i.e. empty your “mental bin”

Speaking to someone is easy, but speaking to show your vulnerability is not something everyone is comfortable with. This is where journalism is handy because your journal is your silent cheerleader, and you can confide in it anytime.

Emptying your “mental bin” gives your mind the green light to open your Pandora’s box and let go of everything without judgment.

4. Expand your awareness

Once you put your thoughts on paper, your thoughts and feelings lose the emotional risk they carry, the grip which makes you anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed.

You realise, truth bomb here, that you are NOT your thoughts. I’m going to let you in on another goldmine: Journaling is a real superpower because you disempower your ego.

Your ego will use everything it can to keep you SAFE at any cost: i.e. using your thoughts, fears, worries, and concerns. When you empty your “mental bin”, you remove many of the tools your ego can use.

If you feel still tangled in the chain of your thoughts and want to give life to your visibility goal, book a Rockstar Visibility session with me: https://calendly.com/gaelle-berruel/inspireleadimpact

5. Develop your focus, stability, and empowerment

Resolving your problems, taking care of your mind, and contributing to your balance is winning a Gold medal in our frenzy world. Use this superpower to protect your mental health, boost your focus on what matters, and empower yourself daily.

The left part of your brain (the analytical and rational one) is engaged, letting the right part of your brain act freely and say yes to more creativity and intuition, i.e. welcome new ideas very soon.

6. Clarity and space

Getting crystal clear on your thoughts and feelings is the antidote to bring more clarity and create space for what you desire and want to accomplish.

7. Journaling is the Holy Grail for your mental health and productivity

This practice helps you organise and manage overwhelming emotions better. According to researcher James Pennebaker, journalism is a stress management tool. Writing about stressful events helps you to come to terms with them.

And this is not the end of it. Therapeutic, free, Journaling is a simple and powerful practice that increases resilience. In a nutshell, it is a superpower accessible to you.

How can you start?

Buy a journal and let yourself off the hook; there is no expectation or pressure, and nobody will hover your shoulders when you’re journaling. Start making it a practice with incremental steps. You’re You’re going to LOVE it!

With love,

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I'm Gaëlle, your new get-a-grip friend.

French girl, Londoner, ex-corporate maven and dance lover who turned her nemesis (being seen) into her love at first sight.

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