The Energy Of Leadership: Authenticity Over Agenda

Gorgeous, Do you have an agenda? Because if you do, people will feel it. The better way? Raise the bar, including your people’s growth and success. When I was Head of Wellbeing Communications, I never had one. I dedicated myself to helping my team succeed and, per se, helping them grow and thrive. I acted […]

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Welcome to A  Rockstar Mindset Blog

This is my treasure trove of wisdom bombs, pioneer principles and tips in visibility (of course!) but also in mindset, wellness and so much more!

Why? because when you start to shine Gorgeous, you become the Rockstar of your life, and it's always handy to have a cheerleader on your side.

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We like it salty and sweet

Sometimes, Gorgeous, it’s just meant to be. Synchronicity plays in your favour when you find yourself sitting next to a kindred sister. Both of us won awards at the Women Changing the World Awards, and since then she’s been part of my tight-knit circle. Let me introduce you to Elisabeth Gabauer. Elisabeth Gabauer is a […]

How To Reclaim Your Essence As a Woman


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Gorgeous, I saw his video on LinkedIn, and the topic was: how to always stay optimistic. And I thought, ‘Sounds great,’ so I watched it. I realized what Simon Sinek does is exactly what I’ve been doing with all my friends for years. When he feels overwhelmed, tired, or close to tears, he always calls […]

The Secret To Building Lasting Connections For Your Career


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It’s when you hit rock bottom that this mindset is your anchor. It’s when nothing is left to show you that it’s worth keeping going that this mindset will be your rock. Because it will help you to connect to your deepest ounces of strength to believe in yourself, to have this jolt, this wake-up […]

What Is A Rockstar Mindset?


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