Why Impact Is The Key To Personal And Professional Success

Gorgeous, One of the words I heard recently is impact. It’s something you may want or desire. The truth is, it’s one of the aspects of your work that you don’t see immediately. It’s like being so wrapped in your world that you believe you don’t have any. But I believe you have, and this […]

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Welcome to A  Rockstar Mindset Blog

This is my treasure trove of wisdom bombs, pioneer principles and tips in visibility (of course!) but also in mindset, wellness and so much more!

Why? because when you start to shine Gorgeous, you become the Rockstar of your life, and it's always handy to have a cheerleader on your side.

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We like it salty and sweet

Gorgeous, If you’re an introvert struggling with visibility, this post is for you. I have deep respect for you because you feel the world intensely. You have a wealth of knowledge and experiences that you keep in your private box. When I began my career in London 17 years ago, I was an introvert. I […]

How Introverts Can Be Highly Visible And…Effortlessly!


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During a networking call at Allbright, I met her, and we decided to have a coffee chat via Mr Zoom. She’s a Career Coach, and a singer helping high-achieving women define success and their next career steps, and she wants to be more visible this year. So, I asked her one question: How do you want to […]

How Do You Want To Be Perceived?


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