I hosted my first in-person event in collaboration with #MonicaVinader, and I’m still amazed by the wave of positive feedback I receive daily from the guests.
You cannot imagine how it feels to give your 200% to create a memorable event, and your guests tell you you did!

I saw them connecting with other women, feeling safe and confident to show up for themselves in one of the elegant boutiques of Monica Vinader.

It made my heart sing.
Not only they had a fantastic time, but they expanded their network intentionally by creating meaningful connections.
I shared with them my innovative principles and tips to elevate their visibility from a place of authenticity, vitality and self-leadership.
It’s a self-discovery journey where you’ll create a stronger relationship with yourself and your audience or team.
It’s not all rainbows and unicorns, but it’s worth it.
It’s priceless to be seen and recognised for your value and work.
The key is to decide and start.
My event was a starting point to elevate their visibility, and I’m grateful because they know that visibility is their parachute to land graciously and stand in their power.
Gorgeous; I can’t wait to create and share my next event with you.

With love,

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