Gorgeous, Do you feel that you have a lot on your plate, mentally running through your never-ending to-do list and your confidence swings between 5 and 0? There’s nothing wrong with you. The truth is, you’ll believe deep down that you’re not enough, and you’re going to look for solutions. Maybe not immediately, but the […]
This is my treasure trove of wisdom bombs, pioneer principles and tips in visibility (of course!) but also in mindset, wellness and so much more!
Why? because when you start to shine Gorgeous, you become the Rockstar of your life, and it's always handy to have a cheerleader on your side.
Gorgeous, I saw his video on LinkedIn, and the topic was: how to always stay optimistic. And I thought, ‘Sounds great,’ so I watched it. I realized what Simon Sinek does is exactly what I’ve been doing with all my friends for years. When he feels overwhelmed, tired, or close to tears, he always calls […]
Gorgeous, I hosted my first in-person event in collaboration with #MonicaVinader, and I’m still amazed by the wave of positive feedback I receive daily from the guests. You cannot imagine how it feels to give your 200% to create a memorable event, and your guests tell you you did! I saw them connecting with other women, […]