Gorgeous, Do you feel that you have a lot on your plate, mentally running through your never-ending to-do list and your confidence swings between 5 and 0? There’s nothing wrong with you. The truth is, you’ll believe deep down that you’re not enough, and you’re going to look for solutions. Maybe not immediately, but the […]
This is my treasure trove of wisdom bombs, pioneer principles and tips in visibility (of course!) but also in mindset, wellness and so much more!
Why? because when you start to shine Gorgeous, you become the Rockstar of your life, and it's always handy to have a cheerleader on your side.
Gorgeous, Let’s be honest about this. Everyone wants to be confident. Confidence is seen as the missing code to make everything work, and to a certain extent, that’s true. But from my experience, I didn’t work to be confident. I didn’t build my confidence; I ignited it. How? Firstly, through self-leadership. I ignited my confidence […]
Gorgeous, Do you have an agenda? Because if you do, people will feel it. The better way? Raise the bar, including your people’s growth and success. When I was Head of Wellbeing Communications, I never had one. I dedicated myself to helping my team succeed and, per se, helping them grow and thrive. I acted […]
Gorgeous, To end the year with beauty, I’m excited with Jules to speak to Tristan Da Silva, CEO and Creative Director of Luxe Designs. Jules and I advocate for being your authentic self and embracing every part of yourself that makes you unique and special. We can’t wait to introduce you to Tristan. Why? because […]
Sometimes, Gorgeous, it’s just meant to be. Synchronicity plays in your favour when you find yourself sitting next to a kindred sister. Both of us won awards at the Women Changing the World Awards, and since then she’s been part of my tight-knit circle. Let me introduce you to Elisabeth Gabauer. Elisabeth Gabauer is a […]
Gorgeous, If you’re an introvert struggling with visibility, this post is for you. I have deep respect for you because you feel the world intensely. You have a wealth of knowledge and experiences that you keep in your private box. When I began my career in London 17 years ago, I was an introvert. I […]
Gorgeous, I met her at the Hearth, and we spoke about social media. She shared with me that she felt overwhelmed by the information bonanza and lost how to be visible in this crowded online world. And I couldn’t agree more! But I told her that what matters is to discover what visibility means to […]
The world doesn’t need another post, article or tweet. The world needs your voice Gorgeous. You have the choice. You can bombard your audience with more content that looks like others (aka broad and basic), or you can shake off your audience like Taylor Swift with her song “Shake It Off” and give them a […]